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Jake Chadwick

Heksen Hoog
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  1. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    Ah, yes, that didn't surprise Fiore at all, if she was honest. 'I can see the appeal if you're like... good at the game? But doesn't it also depend on who you're playing with? It's fun if I can beat my brothers, for instance, but less if it's my 10 year old cousin, if you get what I mean. It's more fun to play it with luck when it comes to her, and I won't put it past my brothers to let me win if it wasn't luck based, and then that's not fun either.' No, luck games were more fun because it was fair game to anyone then, as long as you actually understood the rules of the game.
    'Oh, yes, good idea! It's always a good idea to have games lying about when there's a gathering, because it can also be a good way to socialise, is it not?' Maybe she could secure a game or two with him, then, if not a dance, and talk to him without Pen present. Of course, the same could happen in reverse, but best not to think about that.
    'Would you say cardgames, or maybe something with stones?'
  2. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Truth,' Fiore said, because what else was there to be said? Though, to be fair, she did not have the other service, so it maybe wasn't too fair of her to judge. Still, from the services she had had, this was by far the best one, so maybe there was some room to judge.
    'Oh, so am I. Why don't we do this more often? Somehow it feels like we don't do this enough, or is it just me?'
  3. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Exactly!' Fi was happy to know that her idea was received well, and it sounded like a nice compromise too, really, especially with what Pen confirmed. She could deny it, but everyone who had to know knew, and they'd keep her secret for her.
    'Oh, come off it, you've got such great skin!' Fi waved the compliment away. Of course it was always nice to hear her skin looked great, but, really, Pen had nothing to complain about herself either. 'But I'd like the same as Penelope, please. The name is Fiore Muir! Though, could I perhaps get my nails done like this?' She pointed to a different picture in the book than the one Penelope indicated. It was great! But Fi wasn't sure it'd work as well for her skintone as it'd do for Penelope's. A shame, really. 'Also, just to inquire, is it perhaps possible you could take an extra look at my friend's nails? It's only that she had an accident recently and there was a bit of a quick fix. Just to make sure there was no damage that could need some extra care right now?' Maybe it was overstepping, a bit, but at least it'd be prudent to know all that one needed to know so there'd be good service!
  4. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'She shouldn't have done that,' Fi said. She shook her head. She absolutely understood why Pen had done what she'd done, but to leave a tip when the service was sub-par? No. Fi wasn't one to underpay, and a tip was absolutely given when the service warranted it, but not with this kind of behaviour.
    'Is it maybe an idea to write a letter to a magazine? Or newspaper? Just so people know to avoid that place if they know what's good for them?' She wasn't sure whether it'd help, but either people would start to realise they deserved better, or Madeline's Court would increase their service. Wouldn't that be a win-win situation no matter what?
  5. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Surely not,' Fiore agreed. 'I mean, look at us. If men were interested and we'd charm them, then they'd probably scramble and fight to win our affection, would they not?' They were gorgeous, after all, and Fi would also argue that none of them were stupid. They read up (okay, on things that interested them, mainly, but still), so if men thought they were pretty, then surely they'd have to fight over them? Fiore truly could not see another way for it to happen, anyway. She just hoped she wasn't wrong in her assessment.
    'Oh, yeah, absolutely.' She nodded. 'I think we can really use them, especially with how often we practise music too? Imagine if our hands were too stiff because we haven't been properly taking care of them?' And, well, people liked music, and they had talent. They couldn't let it go to waste. 'Shall we?'
  6. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Busy,' Fi said with a grin. 'But then, when aren't they?' She sighed. 'Edmondo is busy with his job, like, always working and if he's not... well... I don't know what he's doing then. Maybe hang out with friends, maybe relaxing... I don't know. We don't talk much about that. Santi has school, still, but he's nearly done so he's fairly busy with all that, but I think he's mostly hanging out with friends and getting as much work experience as he can now that it's the holidays. Honestly, having a job sounds so tiring? Like, it seems like they don't have much time to do anything fun?' She frowned. 'I think we're lucky it isn't expected for us to do the same. Can you imagine?' Not that she'd mind working at all, not terribly anyway, but she also definitely wouldn't want to work as much as her dad and her brother seemed to do. It sounded so... boring. 'I mean, to each their own, but... I don't think it's for me, do you?'
  7. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'We will be, and I love you too.' Fi smiled, reached out once again and squeezed Pen's hand in a supportive gesture, before taking her hand back and taking another sip of her tea. 'Shall we talk about something else, then? Something far more happy than the conversation we just had? Or shall we just drink this and go and get our nails done, have a change of scenery?' She tilted her head a bit as she took in her friend. 'I think a change of pace and mood is just what we need now, don't we?' Maybe it'd cheer Penelope back up again too. Serious conversations were important, but she truly needed something far lighter now herself, and she couldn't imagine Pen not wanting the same.
  8. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'You won't, okay? No matter who we end up marrying, where we end up living, we must promise to just never lose contact, write at least once a week, meet up as much as we can. That way you can never lose one another, right?' Fi didn't even know why one would, especially if one kept into close contact with one another. Hell, they didn't even lose one another even if she spend her entire summer in Italy. There were always ways and strong bonds just didn't break easily.
    'I mean, yeah? But, you know, I could always ask my brothers if they know them? Have heard of them? I mean, I doubt we end up with men younger than us, our age at the least, and the chances of them being older is significantly high. Or, that's what I suspect, anyway, and what use is it to have older brothers and not make use of them wanting to scope them out? I'd reckon they'd want me safe and if I show an interest in any of those guys they'd probably tell me to steer clear or not? Would that help?'
  9. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Oh, honey,' Fiore said, reaching a hand out towards her friend. 'Whoever I end up marrying, or whoever you end up marrying - it doesn't mean we have to stop being friends! It doesn't mean we will lose one another!' She shook her head. 'We can always write, visit, honestly, international travel isn't that hard with portkeys and apparating and all that. I mean, I'd personally love it if we'd stay in touch. I mean, imagine if we had children the same age! They could be friends like us!' She grinned. 'Wouldn't that be amazing?' She thought it was, in any case. 'But yes, maybe there won't be a ball, but I can promise you that you won't lose me. No matter what.' Friends forever and all that.
    'I don't think it's stupid,' Fi said, soothingly, once Pen had dabbed her eyes. 'Do you want to talk about it or do you want to move on to a different subject?' Because Fiore did feel like there might be more going on than the idea of just losing her. Still, she wouldn't push her on the subject, and if it meant moving on to something else, she would.
  10. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'That sounds good!' Fiore said. 'With color its also that it can go out of style so quickly, or that it can easily clash with your outfit.' She hummed. 'Though there are always the timeless ones which will never go out of style, but still.' She frowned. 'I wish there was this polish that would change to fit the outfit you wear. That would be so helpful, really.' It was truly a shame it hadn't been invented yet. If only she were better at charms and potions so she could invent it herself... Not that she was bad at charms - it was honestly one of her best subjects, but still, the combination with potions? Or the fact that being good at charms didn't mean you were good at inventing any... it didn't help.
    'Some people just don't have a personality,' Fiore said. 'And think they do. But, well, if she doesn't learn how to engage she'll no doubt end up a spinster and she'd have nobody but herself to blame. Can't say I'd feel sorry for her, if that were to happen.' Se shrugged. 'But do you think we should just let it be, or be good people instead and continue to try and help her? I'm a bit torn on the subject myself, because on one hand I feel like it could be a waste of time, but on the other hand... we'd be helping, and that's never a bad thing to do.'
  11. Pleading
    Jake Chadwick reacted to Fiore Muir in time to catch up   
    'Thanks!' she said, because what else could she say? She didn't think there were any right words beyond some thanks, and thought it best to leave it be. It'd be another can of worms if they did go on, and she didn't want to ruin the mood at all.
    'Okay, let's do that then! Let me get changed and we can browse some more.' Fi grinned at her friend, before hurrying back into the changingroom to get changed into her normal dress, asking the attendant if she'd be able to keep the dress she'd just tried on aside for her so she could buy it once they were done.
    A bit later, they'd finished buying all their dresses, and were walking down the street. 'Tea and nails, yes. Tea first sounds like an excellent idea. I think we could rather use the energy too, after all that browsing!' It did leave her rather thirsty herself, after all. 'And it gives us some more time to decide what we want to have done to our nails as it is. Did you have a specific color in mind, or?' She herself was still in doubt, but she was certain she'd knew the right one once they got there. Sometimes you just needed to look at it to go: yes, this one.
    'Did you have any gossip to share too, considering you had certain people we can't talk about there?'
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